New Books In Islamic Studies

Hafsa Kanjwal, "Colonizing Kashmir: State-building under Indian Occupation" (Stanford UP, 2023)



In her scintillating and brilliant new book, Colonizing Kashmir: State-Building Under Indian Occupation (Stanford UP, 2023), Hafsa Kanjwal details and showcases the discursive and institutional means and mechanisms through which the Indian state made possible and maintained its occupation and colonization of Kashmir. Focused on the mid twentieth century period of Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad, the Second Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Kanjwal examines a range of arenas including tourism, agriculture, film, education, and political engineering through which a seemingly postcolonial nation-state, that of India, perpetuated its colonization of Kashmiris, all the while justifying that colonial enterprise through the ruse of “state-building.” From the resulting analysis, Kanjwal forcefully and convincingly pushes us to rethink the very separation, temporal and conceptual, between the colonial and the postcolonial. Historically invasive, theoretically cutting edge, and written in prose at once mellifluous and purpos