Tech Talk Y'all

AI Maps, Robot Surgeons, and Smart Coffee Mugs



Brought to you by TogetherLetters & Edgewise! In this episode:  This AI-powered app wants to optimize Google Maps' multi-stop routes A bumper sticker mocking Elon Musk is sparking a polarizing debate about what it means to drive a Tesla Person Dies After Cruise Robotaxi Blocks San Francisco Ambulance, Fire Department Says Facebook is getting rid of the News tab in Europe China bans government officials from using iPhones at work Da Vinci robot surgeon removes inoperable tumor, saving patient’s life Weird and Wacky:  Study discovers unexpected link between internet use and dementia Toothpaste Ingredient Could Extend the Range of Electric Cars Tech Rec: Sanjay - Home Assistant Yellow  Adam - Ember Mug 2 Find us here: & Tech Talk Y’all is a production of Edgewise.Media Season 12 - Episode 300:  Intro  Brought to you by TogetherLetters & Edgewise! --- Send in a voice message: