Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Separating Facts From Fiction Investigating Police Shootings. Digitally Remastered Episode.



Separating Facts From Fiction Investigating Police Shootings. Police Chief George Filenko joins us to talk about the facts and reality of investigating Officer Involved Shootings. While these shootings are not frequent, fiction and myths perpetuated in the reporting of these events still continue. He talks about the lengths that Departments go through to maintain transparency, while still conducting a thorough and complete investigation to get to the truth. From using outside agencies, to body cam and dash cam video evidence, George discusses it all. In spite of all that the facts frequently don’t seem to matter to some media outlets.   If you enjoy the show, please tell a friend or two, or three about it. If you are able to leave an honest rating and, or, review it would be appreciated. Interested in being a guest, sponsorship or advertising opportunities send an email to the host and producer of the show Follow us on MeWe, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Background song Hurricane is used wit