Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Police Officers Shot, Warning Signs of Child Abuse and Unjust Convictions?



Police Officers Shot, Warning Signs of Child Abuse and Unjust Convictions? All That And More Coming Up. Got A Story To Tell? We Are Always Looking For Guests. Police Officers that were in horrible gunfights, and were shot. Someone that endured childhood sexual abuse and physical abuse for years. He talks about his story and the warning signs. Plus, do you have a story to tell from your experience? Either investigating crimes, or like many of our guests, talking about trauma they endured, how it impacted them and how they built their lives after. The majority of our guests fit into that category, and are active, or retired law enforcement, other first responders, military, victims of crime or their families. All That And More Coming Up. Got A Story To Tell? We Are Always Looking For Guests. If you have questions email Follow us on MeWe, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Background song Hurricane is used with permission from the band Dark Horse Flyer. Never miss out on an episode of the Law Enforc