The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 719: The Surprising Benefits of Cholesterol & Dangers of Statin Drugs



We know that heart disease is the number one killer in the US, claiming one life every 33 seconds. By association, cholesterol has become a dirty word in conventional medicine and in the media. But cholesterol itself is not inherently bad—in fact, cholesterol is a critical compound for human health, responsible for immune health, fetal development, hormone production, and so much more. The rampant demonization of cholesterol has led to numerous problems like pervasive nutrition myths about healthy foods and the overprescription of statin drugs. On this cholesterol masterclass, you’re going to hear powerful insights from Dr. Jonny Bowden on the topic of cholesterol and heart disease. Dr. Jonny Bowden is a board-certified nutritionist, a best-selling author, and a nationally recognized expert in the field of longevity. You’ll learn the truth about cholesterol, heart disease, and statin drug usage. This episode contains the best information about cholesterol, including its roles in the body, the problem with cur