Democracy In Color

Passing the Baton



With the recent passing of Civil Rights legends Congressman John Lewis and Reverend C.T. Vivian, many people are focusing on who will take the baton of leadership and carry it forward. In today’s episode, we are joined by two of the country’s most inspirational young leaders — Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs and Stockton First Partner Anna Malaika Nti-Asare-Tubbs whose work will be featured in a new HBO documentary, “Stockton On My Mind,” which debuts July 28th. From Universal Basic Income to fighting for gender justice to being new parents, Michael and Anna discuss their respective and collective work to carry on the struggle for justice and equality. References: Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs - @MichaelDTubbs Stockton 1st Partner Anna Malaika Nti-Asare-Tubbs - @annas_tea_ Video Clips Washington University in St. Louis - U.S. Rep John Lewis on Bloody in Selma Visionary Project - C.T. Vivian: Freedom Rides The Obama White H