Democracy In Color

After the Election: America’s Road Ahead



With the defeat of Trump, we managed to forestall fascism for the moment, and the entire world is taking a collective sigh of relief. Over the course of Election Week, we flipped Arizona and Georgia blue, witnessed record turnout across the country, and propelled Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House. In this episode, we revel in the victory just a little longer before honing in on what’s next—winning two Senate runoff races in Georgia in January so Democrats can take control of the U.S. Senate. We also talk with our data expert, Dr. Julie Martinez Ortega, and Arizona strategist John Loredo, founder of Arizona Wins, about what the election results reveal about the American character and what we have to do to build lasting progressive power in the coming years. John also shares how Biden winning Arizona is the culmination of a sustained 10-year effort to turn the state blue, and he offers important lessons learned for the future of Democratic politics. REFERENCES: John Loredo - former member of the