Democracy In Color

Looks Like We Made It: The Silver Linings of 2020



In this year’s final episode, we look back at the last 12 months to find the silver linings of a rough year. Turns out, there’s still a lot to smile about. Steve and Sharline share their gratitude for the new COVID vaccine and reflect on how basketball both modeled how to safely navigate the pandemic and also brought a lot of people joy in quarantine. We also point to some major victories in a fraught election year, from Trump’s impeachment in Season 1 of 2020 to the poetic justice of Georgia’s national significance. We’ll see you back in 2021! REFERENCES: Barry Manilow - Song “Looks like we made it” Ed Yong // The Atlantic - How Science Beat the Virus and what it lost in the process Kizzmekia Corbett, PhD - @KizzyPhD - a Black woman who is among the National Institutes of Health scientists working directly to develop and produce the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. https://twitter