Democracy In Color

Next: The First 100 Days



We’re not crying, you are (okay, we’re crying). On January 20th, we watched history unfold as President Joe Biden and Madam Vice President Kamala Harris took their oaths of office. In our newest episode we pause to appreciate the historic moment of a new administration and then turn our attention to discussing the top priorities for the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration. For the first time since 2010, with control of the executive and legislative branches, the Democrats are poised to deliver sweeping change for the American people. We reminisce on Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration and point to the successes and missteps of his, and his administration's, first few months in office. We also share our feelings at the end of the dark era of the past four years as we enter this new, long-anticipated era. References: Joe Biden - @JoeBiden & @POTUS Kamala Harris - @KamalaHarris & @VP The White House - @WhiteHouse Biden Inaugural Committee - @BidenInaugural – Watch the 59th Presidentia