Democracy In Color

Fast and Furious: Breaking Down Biden’s Executive Actions



ICYMI, Joe Biden and his administration hit the ground running since his first official day in office. After four years of, well, you know, we like our White House this way: boring and efficient. Light on drama, heavy on getting stuff done. From COVID relief to immigration reform, Biden has signed a slate of executive actions signaling a surprisingly impressive understanding of what it will take to advance equity for millions of Americans. In this episode, we take a high level overview of what Biden’s executive actions mean for the New American Majority. And we also introduce a new segment called “How We Win the Civil War” where Steve grounds our current political climate in the historical context of the U.S. Civil War that never ended. REFERENCES: Alida Garcia, Esq. - @leedsgarcia - VP of Advocacy, & Founder, Inclusv Susan Rice - @AmbassadorRice - Director, US Domestic Policy Council Executive Actions // Kate Sullivan - Here are the executive actions Biden has signed so far https://cnn