MAGA First News with Peter Boykin

With #Bidenomics and the Economy suffering we are going through the #SilentDepression and it's time to recognize that.



There is a Fallacy from someone in my own party and my opponents that able-bodied citizens don't need help for healthcare, food, rent, etc.Guess what you are wrong, we cannot #MAGA or Put #AmericaFirst if we don't put our citizens first With #Bidenomics and the Economy suffering we are going through the #SilentDepression and it's time to recognize that.As a Republican we need to defend Life, and Liberty, and Freedom of We The People and as Representatives we have to understand people of various cultures, tax brackets, etc live differently than others and ourselves.If you want to be the next Lt Governor of NC you really need to understand the lives of those you propose to represent. I know I do, and I will. That's why I need your support to help me become elected. #AllVotesMatter LIFE, LIBERTY, FREEDOM, AND JUSTICE FOR ALLPROTECT OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS#GoRight with Peter Boykinhttps://PeterBoykin.comPeter Boykin For NC LT GOVERNOR 2024#ncgov #ncltgov #ncltgovernor #NCGOP #NCpolitics #ncpol #PeterBoykin #GoR