Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

Can Israel Have a Constitution?



Can Israel Have a Constitution? Israel’s Declaration of Independence calls for a “Constitution which shall be adopted by the Elected Constituent Assembly not later than the 1st October 1948...". It doesn’t look like we’re going to make the deadline. The current judicial reform crisis exists because of that. So too the current crisis over the role of the Attorney General. There simply aren’t agreed upon rules of the road for how governance and legislation should take place. Of course, not all countries have constitutions. Should Israel have one? Could Israel successfully create one even if we wanted to?Matt hosts this debate between Calev that an Israeli constitution is unnecessary and unlikely, and Mike who argues that it is both needed and likely. Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was recorded and edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Theme music by Akiva Y. Unterberg.Masa WebsitePlease rate, review,