Fsr Energy & Climate

An engineers take on European hydrogen policy: Ronnie Belmans



In this FSR Podcast, research associate James Kneebone is joined by Ronnie Belmans for a deep dive on some of the nuanced issues surrounding the integration of 'clean molecules' into the EU's energy system. Ronnie has more than 40 years of experience in the energy sector, including as a professor at KU Leuven, co-founder and former CEO of EnergyVille as well as advisor here to the Florence School of Regulation. He was also chair of the board for Elia and the Flemish energy regulator. Ronnie’s work focuses on techno-economical aspects of power systems, electrical energy and regulatory affairs, as well as smart grids, and security of energy supply. In this wide-ranging conversation, James and Ronnie discuss everything from the difference between renewable hydrogen as an end in itself and the finished products we need it to produce, to the relationship between electrification and bioenergy. Ronnie also reflects on the tension between the economic and industrial imperative to push for the scale-up of a clean