Larry Williams Drive

Andrew Dickens: Is it Russia vs Ukraine or Russia vs NATO?



So let's talk about the warIs it Ukraine versus Russia?Yes. On one level.But Russia's beef is with NATO's influence in Ukraine. So it's really a proxy war of Russia versus NATO. And the big cheese in NATO is America.Sure France and Germany and Spain have big concerns because the fight is on their continent.But in terms of global geopolitics, this is the States' circus.So will it escalate to a full World War?Well NATO seems to want to inflict an unconditional defeat on Russia. One where Putin goes, that's regime change.  That's a biggie. That's messing with another country's sovereignty.You've got to leave the loser with dignity.  We achieved regime change in 1918 and we ended out back in an even bigger war 21 years later.So it will continue and maybe escalate until Putin finds a way to either win, or lose and save face.Now Putin will not be saving face if people like UK's Prime Minister Boris Johnson keeps saying things like sanctions against Russia will continue, no matter what Russia’s position is or Biden