Larry Williams Drive

Andrew Dickens: Poto Williams joins a growing list of ministers who appear to enjoy the baubles of office



And so we come to the end of a week where I have barely mentioned Covid.A week where the Director-General of Health has resigned. And he told us he wanted to finish the job, Dr Bloomfield leaves his position in July.With that departure date, you can get no better indication that this phase of the pandemic is coming to an end.Which is not to say some new twist might yet emerge. But let's not go there until we have to.And as the virus falls off our front pages we're beginning to see stories that were hidden by the fog of war Covid provided. A fog that protected senior ministers from scrutiny.None more so than Police Minister Poto Williams. She's had a week from hell.Firstly she prevents the new opposition spokesperson on Police matters having a sit down with the Commissioner. Why? Who knows.Then she rejects the premise that gang activity has increased despite all the statistics and evidence at hand.Finally, she abdicates her responsibility on police response times by firstly claiming she did not have the figure