Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

Emily Tsitrian, How Can You Work From Your Happy Place?



In this podcast episode of "Work From Your Happy Place," Belinda introduces the upcoming launch of a new online community and quarterly subscription box. She then interviews guest Emily Tsitrian, author of "Make Me the Boss" and co-founder of Yield, a payments consulting company. Emily shares her journey in the tech industry, the challenges of transitioning into a management role, and the importance of personal development as a leader. They discuss the fast-paced nature of the tech industry, the impact of AI, and the importance of building networks and embracing vulnerability. Emily also shares her immigrant story and offers advice for listeners facing dilemmas in their careers. The episode concludes with a reminder to follow, subscribe, and leave a review for the podcast. Timestamps [00:04:42] Three tips for first-time managers and those in the tech industry Emily Tsitrian shares three tips for first-time managers, including building relationships with peers and stakeholders, cultivating a life outside of w