Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Elephants 2023, Part 4: Toxic Masculinity and Feminism // Jamie Nunnally



These politically charged words exist in our culture because the church has not taught biblical manhood and biblical womanhood, and that's my goal for today. It depends on who you ask, but toxic masculinity is the collection of negativestereotypical behaviors associated with men. What the world calls toxic, the Bible calls sin. Its not masculinity that's toxic, its sin that's toxic—whether the sin is done by a man or a woman. "Feminism" means all sorts of different things depending on who you ask. Originally, it was the idea that women are equal to men; that they have the same value as men—which is a Biblical concept. But today, feminism is often understood as seeking, not equality, but equity among men and women. In addition to political division, and racial division, class warfare and economic division, we have division between the sexes. Our spiritual enemy is the devil—in Greek, diabolos literally means "the accuser." If the devil can get us to join him in his accusation