Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

The fringe medical group pushing anti-LGBTQ laws



Leaked documents lay out how the conservative American College of Pediatricians (not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatrics) has influenced policy affecting the LGTBQ community. We’ll get into how this splinter group gained national attention and the problems it poses for medical misinformation. Also, we’ll discuss the aftermath of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott busing migrants to cities like Los Angeles. And a new Rubik’s Cube world record to smile about, followed by a Rubik’s Cube anecdote from Kai Ryssdal. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Documents show how conservative doctors influenced abortion, trans rights” from The Washington Post “Texas sends busload of 42 migrants to Los Angeles” from The Los Angeles Times “Talking With Kirsten Neuschäfer, the First Woman to Sail and Win the Golden Globe” from The New York Times “Max Park Sets World Record for Rubik’s Cube Solution̶