Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

Smash the patriarchy … and the pumpkins



The Spanish women’s national team won it’s first World Cup! But the celebration has been bittersweet after Spain’s soccer chief kissed a player on the lips and is refusing to step down. We’ll discuss the fallout and what the team is doing to oust Luis Rubiales. Plus, we’ll play a game of Half Full / Half Empty with guest host Amy Scott weighing in on how LinkedIn is actually cool? But pumpkin spice lattes in August — maybe not so much. Here’s everything we talked about: “Facebook settlement claims are due Aug. 25. How to apply for a payout” from The Washington Post “What’s the point of class-action lawsuits?” from Marketplace “Spanish Soccer Chief Rubiales Refuses to Resign Over World Cup Kiss” from The New York Times “Are American malls back from the brink?” from Marketplace “Will New York City’s Airbnb crackdown make housing more affordable?” from Marketplace