Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep025



Episode 25: Gary is in Western Massachusetts as this episode is recorded, and he starts off by discussing all the ice and snow he's had to deal with while traveling; as the Course describes everything in the ego's universe, things can appear beautiful from a distance, but upon closer inspection, it's often a different story... Gary talks about how his previously living in Maine was really the perfect location for Arten and Pursah to begin their visits to him. He then mentions an upcoming workshop in a warmer location, as he'll be appearing at "The Crossings" in Austin, Texas this coming March - on his birthday, in fact. Gary and Gene then enter into a discussion area that's a bit more somber than usual, in that one of Gary's closest and most long-time friends just recently passed away. Gary talks about their many experiences together, and then relates the discussion to a Course perspective, specifically referencing the section from the Manual for Teachers entitled, "What Is Death", and