Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep042



Episode 42: "Gary's Belated Birthday!" Actually, it's 'twice belated', as this show was recorded a couple of weeks after Gary's birthday, but then not completed and released until several weeks after that! Thank God time is only an illusion… Interestingly, Gary reminds Gene and our listeners that it has now been 18 years since Arten and Pursah first began to appear to him! And an enlightening 18 years it has been, indeed. Gary speaks a bit about the ACIM conference he attended in San Francisco not long ago, and then recounts some interesting details about his recent 'jury duty' experience! Gary and Gene then discuss March's devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and how best to process these types of concepts and images from an ACIM perspective. Then it's time for a couple of 'Questions for Gary' which include: Are other paths to enlightenment (including certain forms of yoga) consistent with the teachings of A Course in Miracles? Next question asks about "divine intervention", and