Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep047



Episode 47: "The Summer 2013" Podcast. For some reason, Gary and Gene begin this episode with a few funny stories relating to author Wayne Dyer (a very humorous man in his own right.) Gary gives an update on progress for his upcoming book, and also speaks about Hay House, the publisher. Then, the conversation quickly turns to Course topics. Gary and Gene discuss the fact that in the world we see, very few "teachers" actually stick to teaching what the Course truly presents, and so often attempt to blend other practices and thought systems into their teachings… and that this is NOT the fastest way to reach the experiences that the Course is leading us toward. The ACIM-based discussion addresses the seemingly sequential nature of different lifetimes, which in actuality, are not sequential at all. Forgiveness is discussed (of course!), and we see that practicing forgiveness is really fulfilling "our part" in the Holy Spirit's perfect plan. The conversation touches on the worldwide t