Resurrection South Austin

Jesus Christ Our High Priest - Fr. Shawn McCain



We’re in the 4th week of a series, “Heaven & Earth” where we have been studying the book of Hebrews. Specifically, we’ve been meditating on this one idea: Jesus, our high priest. Scripture tells us that Jesus, as our high priest, brings the presence of God to the people of God and brings the people before the face of God. God and his people, together. Think about that. What does it mean that the Incarnate One, Jesus Christ, who walked around in a body on earth, now sits at the right hand of God the Father in heaven praying for us, working for our good, and directing the course of history? Even for Christians, this is a lot to imagine. But the real scandal is this: God is not somewhere else. We are in His presence. And Heaven is breaking in to South Austin, right now, because of Jesus Christ our high priest. That’s what we’re considering this morning in Hebrews chapter 7:23-28.