Resurrection South Austin

Adult Classes I - Membership Part I - Fr Shawn McCain - 2017 09 24



Why membership? In Baptism we are made members of the household of God, joining his eternal and global Body, the Church. Membership gives us the opportunity to live out that baptismal reality in the local church, describing those practical ways that we can use our unique gifts and passions that make Rez tick. Is membership just a set of rules? Not at all. In the same way we wouldn't think of our baptismal covenant, or marriage vows, promises we make to friends as a "set of rules," but a description of the community we believe God is calling us to become. What do I get out of membership? Not your best question so far, but I think I know what you mean. You get each other. The gift of membership is a gift to a community, and to a neighborhood because it brings shape to a place of belonging. We want to create a safe space for people to encounter Life Together in the Goodness of God, and membership helps us bring intentionality and commitment to that vision. You also get to participate in annual meetings, ou