Peace In My Pocket Guided Meditations

Episode 34- 7x3 Guided Meditation



Today's meditation is called 7x3. This is a 7-minute meditation for you to do three times a day. Many people think that you need a lot of time to meditate. However, researchers have found that the best, results from meditation come from short, focused meditations done more frequently. So this 7x3 meditation is for you to do in the morning as you wake up, throughout your day, and perhaps in the afternoon when you start to fatigue, and then the best time would be to practice it again before you go to sleep. The practice of Meditation is about training your brain to be in the present moment and to really manage stress, levels. Ideally, we want to meditate in the moment which means that you can feel, your emotions and stress levels escalate and then bring yourself back down to calm. Ideally, we are looking to trigger the relaxation response which is the opposite of the fight-flight or freeze response, our stress response. Really important in our highly stressed fast-paced lives. Check out Meditation Made Ea