

“What I didn’t realize is that everyone is a sailor. Everyone is sailing somewhere.” This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.Right now you are sailing somewhere. The question is, “Do you know where you are headed?”It’s important to recognize that if you’re not pursuing an ideal destination, chances are, you’ll end up somewhere else.Yogi Berra put it this way…“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”Seneca the great Stoic philosopher said, “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”No wind is favorable.No wind can help the sailor who doesn’t know where they are headed.If success is creating your ideal future then, it becomes one’s onus – their responsibility – to know where, ideally, they’d like to go.Do you know where that is?If not, that is priority #1. (See below info about The 28-Day Breakthrough!)Clarity – knowing your ideal destination – is essential for living a content and fulfilling life. Now, to be clear, just knowing your id