Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

The Apartheid Accusation



ApartheidType the word “apartheid” into a google search bar and the second search that pops up is “apartheid Israel”. We’ve all heard the accusation. It is also a demonstrably false descriptor for the State of Israel. This ridiculous calumny may make a nasty sound-bite sized accusation. But for anyone genuinely trying to understand the conflict, it clearly fails to explain anything in an honest way. But this podcast has a debate format! So after explaining why the above paragraph is true, our team still finds something for Zionists to argue about. Is the term “apartheid” useful at all to describe life in the West Bank? After all, the approximately half a million Jews who live there as Israeli citizens under Israeli law, lead very different lives from the approximately two and half million Arabs who are citizens of nothing and live under the Palestinian Authority and Israeli military law. Liel hosts this debate between Calev who argues that in certain narrow contexts the term isn’t entirely unhelpful, and Mike