Jayme Catsouphes' Amazing Podcast

Q&A - Online Sales Tax in California



That 52-inch flat-screen TV you just bought your loved one (or yourself) for the holidays should be arriving any day now. And what a deal – nice picture, good price, delivered right to your door. And since you made the purchase online, you weren’t charged California sales tax for that shiny new piece of technology. Here’s the thing though: there’s a good chance you owe the California government some money. And the state needs it. You know it and Governor Jerry Brown knows it. In what he called an “Open Letter to the People of California,” yesterday Governor Jerry Brown announced his intention to raise the state income and sales tax. The Governor says the measure will raise $7 billion in new funds for education and public safety. It’s not the first time the Governor has tried to find a way to increase sales tax revenue. In September, he asked online retailer Amazon [dot] com to start charging sales tax on products it sold to Californians. To date, they haven’t collected a cent. So why wasn’t Amazon charging