Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD276 Trust-Building with Your Dog to Prevent and Respond to Trauma



In today's episode, we look at the world of natural communication and connection with our canine companions. Think back to when you first brought your pup home, that initial bond, the trust, and the love that started to flourish. However, as life happens, unpredictable and potentially traumatic events can strain that bond. So, how do we foster a relationship that ensures our dogs look to us as trustworthy during these scary experiences?    Reflecting on the nature of dogs, puppies naturally gravitate towards their mother and littermates. It's instinctual. They seek warmth, protection, and food. As dog moms, we can and should continue to nurture this instinct, ensuring our dogs always feel that safety with us.    Instead of focusing on traditional trained commands that might inadvertently teach our dogs to NOT seek us out, it's about embracing a different approach. Let's teach through understanding, patience, role modeling and true connection, much like how we'd guide a toddler.    But what if a traumatic even