Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP425 Independent Women’s Forum Series: Michele Steeb



Today is our first in an upcoming series of interviews with the ladies of the Independent Women’s Forum. On July 1, 2023 Cheryl was inducted as a Visiting Fellow at the IWF, and we want to use this Series to introduce you all to the important and varied work that the IWF does. Our guest today is Michele Steeb. Michele is the author of "Answers Behind The RED DOOR: Battling the Homeless Epidemic" In 2006, Michele joined a struggling shelter for homeless women and children and transformed it into one of the nation’s beacons of success by actively addressing and overcoming the root causes of their homelessness. Her written work has been published in the Washington Post, USA Today, Newsweek, and the New York Post. And now Michele is an Independent Women's Forum Visiting Fellow. 1) Talk to us about how tackling the Homelessness issue became a passion for you? 2) You wrote a book on homelessness, called Answers Behind the Red Door: Battling the Homeless Epidemic. What is the meaning behind the title, and what