

How is the Mother force active today? When you talk about Mother, are you talking about an impersonal force or something more personal? How can we distinguish between the real and the counterfeit Mother force that you describe? What does this have to do with our daily lives?      "This anti-Mother, anti-Christ force manifests as child pornography, the desecration of woman, the tearing down of true educational values, even the tearing down of individual nationhood and of our own history and the understanding of God-government. There are many forces active in the media and in the world today that tear down the true values of the Real Self of all. We call this Real Self the Christ. You can call it the Buddha. You can call it whatever you like, but it is our true, inherent reality. And the Mother force of a cosmos is what protects this emerging identity within us all. " Link to transcript MORE from Inner Perspectives: A Guidebook for the Spiritual Journey: Table of Contents List of In