Inner Perspectives: Guideposts For The Spiritual Journey

As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap



Did Jesus teach reincarnation? What was the difference between what Jesus taught his disciples and what he taught everyone else? What is the significance of reincarnation in regard to how we live our lives? Does reincarnation reduce the need for personal responsibility? Is there any place for vicarious atonement? What was the purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ?      "Jesus feared that a personality cult would grow up around him whereby he would be worshiped instead of emulated. He came as the fulfillment of the Law, not as its exception. And therefore I believe that he lived before and walked the path of righteousness as a very enlightened soul--nevertheless one who had to evolve through time and space, through earth's schoolroom, in preparation for that final incarnation when he would fully exemplify the Christ, the only begotten Son of God. This he did so that we might go and do likewise." Link to transcript More from Inner Perspectives: A Guidebook for the Spiritual Journey:&