Awesome With Alison

Ep. 149: Trusting your path! Purpose coaching session #5 with Jess!



You loved the first four installments of the series—and I did too! That’s why I’m so excited to bring you the FINAL (for now?!) installment in our Purpose Coaching series! I’m talking about trusting your path with Jess! In this episode you’ll hear me coach this incredible babe, who is facing a lot of change and uncertainty...can anyone relate?! UM YES!Together we explore lots of exercises and ideas to help us all connect to our truest selves. Like following sparks of joy and more! And then I hop in to share what I’ve been learning about trusting myself and some of my recent challenges as well. Want more guidance?! Get my FREE mini course: Ready to create REAL CHANGE & implement practices to support your flow!? Join Awesome on Demand here! Awesome with Alison is supported by listeners LIKE YOU! If you have found value in this episode, or any others! Support the podcast! Eric's c