Thompson & Associates

DEV: Online Planned Giving Software with Kristen Schultz Jaarda, J.D., LL.M.



Join Founder and CEO of Thompson & Associates, Eddie Thompson, as he speaks with Kristen Schultz Jaarda, J.D., LL.M., Executive Vice President at Crescendo Interactive, as they discuss online planned giving software and what this means for fundraisers on-the-go. In this podcast, they will cover the following points, and more:1. How do you incorporate technology to supplement and educate your donor base?2. What are software or online service options to broaden and deepen the security of gifts?3. What are some changes seen in planned giving in the last couple of years? 4. How has technology changed to respond to these industry changes?DEV – The Development (DEV) podcasts, hosted by Thompson & Associates CEO Eddie Thompson, share wisdom from some of the nation’s most seasoned professionals on a wide variety of fundraising-related topics.