Golf Reviews

Hypnosis and Golf



Golf Hypnosis - does it work? The mental game of golf is obviously critical to success for any golfer. It is a little known fact that many of the top PGA players (including Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson) have used hynosis as a way to improve their mental game. Wayne Lee is a hypnotist that demonstrates some simple mental techniques to improve your visualization skills and help you relax during your swing or stroke. This was one of the best golf lessons I've ever had because it taught me how to put a good picture in my mind of the results I want, then allow me to focus on this image and make the shot. "Whatever you focus on expands." Make sure to download this Golf lesson to your iPod, Palm Pilot, Blackberry or other PDA because you will be sure to want to take it with you and listen to it before you practice or play your next round of golf.