Broad Appeal

Primary Colors - BA020



Emma Thompson AND Kathy Bates?? Now there's a ticket that would truly make America great again! Your two favorite superdelegates can now make it official: the final film of this Broad Appeal Season is Mike Nichols's Clinton-era political satire PRIMARY COLORS (1998). John Travolta gets top-billing for his Bubba impersonation but Emma brings her trademark wry soulfulness to the role of "Susan Stanton", the much put-upon political spouse who may or may not resemble a certain presumptive 2016 nominee. And Kathy Bates shines bright, delivering big laughs and ultimate heartbreak as a gun-totin', foul-mouthed lesbian driving a pickup truck. No film could match the absurd laughability of our current political climate, but join us as we filibuster our way through an extra-long discussion of women in politics (and film) from the 90s to today. We're With Her!! All clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (