Broad Appeal

Male Gayz: The Rocky Horror Picture Show - BA024



In dark days, when the values of democracy and equality seem threatened who doesn't want to don some fishnets and dance the Time Warp? Who wouldn't rather blast off to the planet Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania? Why not construct a blond, tanned muscle god who exists solely for the purpose of 'relieving our tension', as we fuck indiscriminately in a bacchanalian orgy? We didn't get to THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW at Halloween but in our post-Election daze perhaps Dr. Frank N. Furter is exactly the presiding spirit we really need right now. For Seán, the film was a seminal adolescent text: introducing him to queerness, camp, and the possibility of a life lived in the company of weirdos. For Brian, it was a cult classic that he never got around to seeing. In this next installment of our miniseries THE MALE GAYZ, we debate the film's merits as well as its representation of sexual fluidity. (SPOILER ALERT: We don't agree.) Even if the contentiousness seems to reflect the current global mood, h