Broad Appeal

Julianne Moore Bad - Hannibal - BA043B



Julianne Moore can do no wrong - so who the hell convinced her to play Clarice Starling?! Taking up the baton from Jodie Foster, Moore is saddled with an iffy West Virginia drawl and some even dodgier sexual politics in this completely unnecessary - and completely disgusting - sequel to THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. Returning as Hannibal the Cannibal, Anthony Hopkins chews much more than the scenery, while Gary Oldman out-grosses him as a disfigured and deviant vengeful paedophile. Julianne must suffer the indignities of male lechery, ludicrously OTT violence and a narrative sidelining that will leave you screaming along with the lambs. Misogynist, ludicrous and ultimately revolting this is the kind of movie that not only fries your brain but serves it up to you with a balsamic demi-glaze. While Clarice is rendered expendable, Julianne was somehow spared the kind of career disemboweling that would've destroyed a lesser talent. Bon Appetit! Part 2 of 3 Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy.