Broad Appeal

Barbra Streisand Bad - Nuts - BA048B



How much would you pay for a blowjob? Somewhere in excess of $500? No? Well, wait till you hear who's giving them... NUTS is a film that could also just be called BAD, in which suspension of disbelief only takes you so far. Good luck believing that Barbra Streisand is a prostitute, that she is potentially mentally incompetent or even that the walls of the courtroom are not made of cardboard. While Seán and Brian may have little praise for the film, it doesn't mean they don't have A LOT to say. Barbra is Claudia Draper, a working girl caught up in a messy situation. After decapitating Leslie Nielsen, she is forced to fight for her right to stand trial. I mean, okay? Barbra thinks this is a searing look at the criminal justice system, while we think this film is truly criminal. You'll probably never see it, but you'd be NUTS not to listen to this podcast. Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (