Broad Appeal

Angela Bassett Bad - Vampire in Brooklyn - BA049B



Sometimes the worst films make some of the best conversations, and boy, did Brian loathe VAMPIRE IN BROOKLYN.  We can spread the blame around: Eddie Murphy's ego, the insistent racial stereotyping (of African-Americans AND Italians!), the half-dozen writers who couldn’t decide on a tone, or even usual maestro of horror Wes Craven who was clearly having an off-day. In fact, the only person not culpable is Angela Bassett, once again showing full commitment when battling the ludicrous and the undead. Listen to Seán explain vampire arcana to Brian, who seems misguidedly to be looking for plot consistency in a mid-90s horror comedy. The stress of the undertaking is so high that our hosts find themselves corpsing in ways that would typically be left on the cutting room floor. P.S. Eddie Murphy is a jerk. Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (