Broad Appeal

Angela Bassett Crazy - Strange Days - BA049C



What do you get when you combine ultra violence, a political metaphor and a kick-ass heroine? The answer? A Seán Film. Also known as STRANGE DAYS, from the mind of visionary director Kathryn Bigelow and bonkers ex-hubby James Cameron. The year is 1999. People are scared. They're jacking in to a weird bootleg neuro-hardware called SQUID. And like the internet, it begins as a bit of fun, then becomes porno and ends up as a toxic, racist, hate-dump. Only (sexy!) Ralph Fiennes and a kung-fu kicking limo driver mom (who was also once a waitress?) known as Angela Bassett can save us all from getting totally fucked up! In the midst of it all, a flawed but fascinating commentary emerges (dreamed up by two white millionaires) about the institutional violence of the LAPD in a post-Rodney King world. STRANGE DAYS is a miasma of brutality and brilliance, excess and truth. Angela saves not only the movie, but our future. Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF