Broad Appeal

Glenda Jackson Good - Sunday Bloody Sunday - BA052



She's served you withering stares on screen as well as in the constituency of Hampstead and Highgate. Of course we’re talking about Glenda Jackson MP, who as far as we know is the only British politician whose own boobs were used against her by the opposition. Glenda's place is in our hearts and in the House of Commons, but also firmly in 1970s cinema history. With two Oscars wins within four years, her career symbolised a potent change in roles for women. Nestled between her two awarded roles is SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY - a bisexual love triangle, a nuanced social commentary and a great study of how rotary telephones used to work. If she deserved a second Oscar, it should have been for this subtle sexual roundelay about liberated libertines who discover that trying to have it all is not all it’s cracked up to be. Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (