You're Cozy With Clifford Myers

Episode 16: With Ben Price



On today's episode we have Ben Price! A Community Director for YFC: Youth Unlimited. Ben was my first-year roommate at Bible College. We did everything together. Included getting expelled. We talk about where our paths have lead us over a decade later, how one event defined our future motivations, where we are now and how have we matured through our negative experiences. Ben and I have taken different paths but the parallels are eerily similar. This was a great episode to listen to and one I've been wanting to record for a long time. Sponsored by none other than The Sodfather! If you live in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and need THE BEST lawn care services at affordable prices... The Sodfather will give you an offer you can't refuse. Tell him about the top secret You're Cozy discount and get 20% off of your services!