Fontibell Radio

Show 3: Commander-in-Chief



Join us for a celebration of President's Day, where we play some suave tunes to honor our historical commanders-in-chief. Playlist Opening: “No More Kings”/Pavement Set 1: “Cherry Tree”/10,000 Maniacs “Lincoln, Washington, and That Jefferson Guy”/They Might Be Giants “The Battle of New Orleans”/Johnny Horton “Circular Trend”/Veruca Salt “Indian Reservation”/Paul Revere & the Raiders “Talk Talk”/The Music Machine “James K. Polk”/They Might Be Giants “The President’s Dead”/Okkervil River Set 2: “Train from Kansas City”/Superchunk “Civil War”/Blake Babies “Impeach the President”/The Honey Drippers “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”/The Band “Close Call”/Rilo Kiley Set 3: “President Garfield”/The Juliana Hatfield “Fat Man in the Bathtub”/Little Feat “Suffragette City”/David Bowie “Warren Harding”/Al Stewart “Louisiana 1927”/Randy Newman “Depression”/Black Flag “Eleanor”/Vigilantes of Love Set 4: “Harry Truman”/Chicago “Eisenhower Blues”/Elvis Costello “The Day John Kennedy Died”/Lou Reed “Lyndon John