Kirk Of Christ




Finally, our story begins.  I'm writing this intro without having heard this lesson in a long time, so this may be a bit misleading ... but ... It helps if we remember the situation of the people when their first real encounter with Moses happens.  Their kind of slavery is different than what is generally portrayed, Moses is the old man who's coming to release them by the power of the invisible God of their ancestors, and then the plagues begin.  At first, things get worse - not better - and Moses is in deep trouble with everyone.  What happens to people today when they transition from slavery in the world ... into the freedom of God's kingdom?  Are drug addicts the only ones who have withdrawals?  Were the Israelites the only ones who experienced travails?  No - even Jesus went through temptations right after his baptism, and so do new disciples.  If you are considering becoming a disciple, have just become one, or are walking someone else through that process ... you should know this story!  It's not just a