Apostle Sydney Quaye

Prayer And Fasting (May 2023) - Day Seven (The Philosophy of the Righteous - Blessing)



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, the Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. In this message titled “The Philosophy of The Righteous - Blessing”. Apostle expounds that our decisions, habits, and mindset as believers know that: He has received RIGHTEOUSNESS as a GIFT (Rom 5:19) He has been declared RIGHTEOUS because of what CHRIST DID (Rom 4:5-7) He has received CHRIST as his RIGHTEOUSNESS (1 Cor 1:30) He has been made the RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD (2 Cor 5:21, Isaiah 41:10,42:6) He like the CHRIST is THE RIGHTEOUS (1 John 2:1-2) And that God has declared an oath to bless you. We are beneficiaries of Abraham’s blessings.  So the Blessing of the Righteous is: Blessings of Creation (Gen 1:28) The Blessing of Abraham (Gen 12:2-3, Gen 24:1, Heb 6:12-13) Melchizedek’s Blessing (Gen 14: 19-20) The Blessings of the Law (Deut 28:2-13 Amp) The Blessings IN CHRIST (Eph 1:3 Kjv, Msg) Take advantage of these inheritances of the righteous