Ae Reads Skiffily

"The Long Rain" by Ray Bradbury



Get ready to listen to the wettest science fiction story ever featured on AE Reads Skiffily. This episode's story, "The Long Rain” by Ray Bradbury (originally published in the September 1950 issue of Planet Stories and later anthologized in Bradbury’s 1951 collection The Illustrated Man), is about some soldiers who crash on a rainy planet Venus, all of them having forgotten to bring an umbrella. After reading the story, AE (IG: @SkiffilyPodcast, FB: @SkiffilyPodcast, Tw: @SkiffilyPodcast) and girlfriend Mona (IG: @sewagainsthegrain) discuss the relevance of a story that has become scientifically accurate now that we know Venus is inhospitable.Some of the music comes from Looperman (, specifically users Fayz, 3rdnipplemusic, callmeking, therealnickwood, and acoustic678. Much love to them for providing that royalty free.