Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders

012 Short Music History Pt 1



In this podcast, I talk about the history of ALL music, no matter the genre. And I lay a foundation of what the purpose of music is, why it was created, and what God's order or plan is for music (no matter the genre or style) and His musical artists today! Love you and Christ bless!   Ricardo Butler aka ReAsOn DiSciPLe Five Fold Hip-Hop Ministry & Leadership Developer | Hip-Hop Author/Blogger | Apostolic Founder of: - Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders (R.E.A.L.) Website @ http://www.ricardoequips.com/ Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/RicardoEquipsLeaders Twitter @ http://twitter.com/RicardoEquips YouTube @ http://www.youtube.com/user/Reason4HipHop Amazon @ http://www.amazon.com/author/ricardoequips   "Equipping God’s Hip-Hop Artists to be Five Fold Leaders to Impact and Influence the Hip-Hop Ministry, Industry, and Culture!"   PS. If you have any questions, or if I can help you in any way, feel free to write me @ Ricardoequips5fold@gmail.com   Also, please share these with your social circles and again