Dawn D. Boyer's Podcast

Using Quotes to Create Website Content



How many emails or phone calls or webinar invites have you – the small business owner – received weekly about creating website content, content marketing, or blog content to entice and intrigue new customers into your email marketing database? I’m willing to bet it is at least one daily, possibly dozens. Are you one of those folks who look at a blank screen and think, ‘What the heck should I write about today? I don’t know what to write about or how to write it!’ An easy way to get past the ‘writer’s block’ is to use quotes. Everyone loves quotes and essentially they are pre-written micro-blogs for the busy businessperson. They are the handy-dandy, ‘someone else already thought of this viewpoint,’ and they are famous (or infamous enough) for an audience to recognize the name, and entice them to read more. Quotes are reusable, which makes them so valuable to those who like to read them.