Free & Equal Network Podcast With Christina Tobin

Episode 35- Professor Griff (Public Enemy) with Christina Tobin



Christina Tobin interviews Professor Griff of hip-hop legends Public Enemy before Free & Equal’s Open Colorado Gubernatorial Debate on October 8th, 2014, moderated by Griff. In the interview they discuss why musicians/artists with integrity and insight shouldn’t be shunned from speaking truth to power, how the election system is corrupted by things such as the Electoral College, the illusion of choice between major establishment political parties and candidates, and how music and activism go hand in hand with shifting the consciousness of the masses, especially the youth, to create a better world for the entire human family. Professor Griff is the author of several books, including The Psychological Covert War on Hip-Hop, about how hip-hop was once a vessel for speaking truth to power, but was subsequently and deliberately subverted by corporate America. This action brought an end to the intelligence and political prowess of groups like Public Enemy, which helped uplift and empower the minds of blacks